Our Certifications
We are accredited under NELAP by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
If you need a test we do not provide, we will get it done for you through our partnerships with accredited labs. Llamas Up!
EPA Method Number
Method EPA SM 9221 C / 9221 E
Fecal coliforms (enumeration) (2530)
Method EPA SM 2540 G
Residue-total (total solids) (1950)
Method EPA SM 9223 B
Escherichia coli (enumeration) (2525)
Method EPA SN 5220 D
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) (1565)
Method EPA SM 4500-H+ B
pH (1900)
Method EPA SM 4500-CN E
Total cyanide (1645)
Method EPA SM 4500-CN C
Total cyanide (1645)
Method EPA IDEXX Laboratories Colilert
Escherichia coli (enumeration) (2525)
Method EPA EPA 300.0
Bromide (1540), Chloride (1575), Chlorite (1595), Flouride (1730), Nitrate -nitrite (1820), Nitrate as N (1810), Nitrite as N (1840), Sulfate (2000)
Method EPA SM 2510 B
Conductivity (1610)
Method EPA SM 2540 C
Residue-filterable (1955)
Method EPA SM 2540 D
Residue-nonfilterable (TSS) (1960)
Method EPA SM 9223-IDEXX Laboratories Colilert Quanti-Tray Test
Escherichia coli (enumeration) (2525), Total coliforms (enumeration) (2500)
Method EPA EPA 150.1
pH (1900)
Method EPA EPA 1664
n-Hexane Extractable Material (HEM) (O&G) (1803)
Method EPA EPA 180.1
Turbidity (2055)
Method EPA HACH 8000
Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
Method EPA EPA 335.4
Total cyanide (1645)
Method EPA SM 9223-IDEXX Laboratories Colilert Test
Total coliforms and E. coli (P/A) (2502)
Method EPA SM 2310 B (4A)
Acidity, as CaCO3 (1500)
Method EPA SM 2320 B
Alkalinity as CaCO3 (1505)
Method EPA SM 2540 B
Residue-total (total solids) (1950)
Method EPA SM 2540 F
Residue-settleable (1965)
Method EPA SM 3500-CR B
Chromium (VI) (1045)
Method EPA SM 4500-CI G
Total residual chlorine (1940)
Method EPA SM 4500-NH3 D
Ammonia as N (1515), Kjeldahl Nitrogen (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen-TKN) (1790)
Method EPA SM 4500-O G
Oxygen dissolved (1880)
Method EPA SM 4500-S2 D
Sulfide (2005)
Method EPA SM 5210 B
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) (1530), Carbonaceous BOD, CBOD (1555)
Method EPA SM 9222 D
Fecal coliforms (enumeration) (2530)
Method EPA SM 4500-P E
Phosphorus (1910)
Method EPA EPA 9095
Paint Filter Liquids Test (10312)